October 2023

at the EHS Board meeting this month. Marci Green will be heading up EHS booth at the Fall Plant Sale as usual. We have great plans for speakers and programs in the upcoming months. And we will have a lovely assortment of surprises at the Holiday dinner in December (and yes, we will be playing Bingo).

If anyone is interested in adding a fruit tree to their yard, be sure to make a note on your calendar about the Rare Fruit Council‘s sale at the South Florida Fairgrounds on October 21. Several of our members are also members of the RFC, and would be happy to see you there.

See you at the meeting,


News from the Garden of Well Being/Herb Garden 

What a nice surprise when I arrived at the Herb Garden. Although, there is a shortcut coming in the back way, I always choose the front walkway which gives me an opportunity to scan my scope of work and what needs to be done right now. The “nice” surprise this week is the false Roselle has finally recovered from all this rain and started to bloom. The color of the flower is magenta, a deep purplish red color. The visitors and their cameras are elated and can’t get close enough without invading the garden bed by the front of the entrance.

The giant Cosmos that were planted around the water bowl (used to be a fountain till the resident critters discovered it was a great bath and grooming water source and toilet) bloomed and bloomed and were another show stopper for the photographers. Then, they grow so tall and bent over and finally fell over. Three weeks ago, I ripped them all out, now what?  Joel directed me to the Vegetable Garden and I found a new source of large cosmos and they are starting to grow again around the Fountain. They are a nice bright yellow colored flower and there are many on one plant. It would be a great addition to any garden for a color burst.

As we are getting into fall, the Turmeric’s leaves are yellowing and they are ready to hibernate for the winter. I hope that in the next couple of weeks, I can start with the replanting of the herbs that did not survive this very rainy summer.

As you know, the Plant Sale is coming up the first week in November and an opportunity to restock on herbs and many, many other plants, trees, orchids, etc.

Come out and visit the garden, I am there every Thursday morning and would love to see you.
