April 2023

many of our itches and aches and pains.

Our president Bernard Pages is working on plans for activities during the summer when we take a break from regular meetings. He expects to have more to tell you about these plans (and maybe even pass out a signup sheet) at our next meeting. He also would like to survey the members to find out what activities you all would like to see in 2024.

The Mounts Botanical Garden Spring Plant-a-Palooza is April 29th and 30th. The EHS Booth is hoping to earn a good chunk of our funds for the year from this sale, and we are glad to see that a number of you have volunteered to help. Those of you who are not volunteering this time should be sure  to stop by and pick up a few things to fill out your garden or cupboard. You know you want to...

Your friendly neighborhood treasurer,


News from the Garden of Well Being/Herb Garden

One thing for sure, a garden changes from week to week and, sometimes, there are wonderful surprises.

The gardenia tree started blooming and it smells magical. So much so, some of the volunteers made that discovery also and treat themselves to a blossom or maybe two. It’s hard to resist. The rain helped a lot with bringing the plants back to life. I like it, because watering is not my favorite task. The climbing white rose and the beautiful pink Bourbon rose are taking a break for the time being. I am sure they will bloom again in the summer. On the other hand, the Louis Phillipe rose bushes always have blooms.

The vanilla orchid brought a lot of joy to visitors, since it was full of blooms just a couple of weeks ago. The nasturtiums lasted quite some time and were colorful while in full bloom. Soon, the remains will be removed to make room for some other gem. The Moujean Tea plant grew very large the small white blooms are very fragrant. It was a shock when the leaves turned brown and the plant died last week. I suspect the reason was for lack of water. We have had such a dry couple of months. It’s unfortunate this happened, but the good thing is, the plant can be replaced. The Turmeric likes the change in the weather and is coming to life again, the same is with the bitter Ginger. The false Roselle reseeds in the same place every year. The flowers are in the Hibiscus family and a very deep red. This year, they are barely a foot tall and already blooming and that is a real surprise.

Ingrid Menz